Jane Eyre Lesson 49 Chapter 14b


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主讲人宗老师为CBC前新闻主播(News Anchor)、古典音乐节目主持人、男中低音歌剧演员、话剧演员,说标准伦敦正音(Received Pronunciation),即BBC英语。长期为海内外媒体机构提供专业双语配音。2000年起在深圳执教研究生英语,CATTI/高级口笔译证书,留学托福/雅思英语,及中小学生英语。
The horse was very near, but not yet in sight, when, in addition to the noise of its feet, I heard a rush under the hedge, and a great dog ran by, whose black and white coat was clearly to be seen. It was a lion-like creature with long hair and a huge head. The horse followed --- a tall animal with a rider on its back. He passed, and I went on a few steps, then I turned. A sliding sound, and a sudden fall, attracted my attention. Man and horse were down. They had slipped on a sheet of ice. The dog came running back, and seeing his master in difficulty, barked loudly and then ran up to yap for help. I walked down to the traveler, who was by this time struggling to free himself from his horse.


