Jane Eyre Lesson 46 Chapter 13c


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宗老师为CBC前新闻主播(News Anchor)、古典音乐节目主持人、男中低音歌剧演员、话剧演员,说标准伦敦正音(Received Pronunciation),即BBC英语。长期为海内外媒体机构提供专业双语配音。2000年起在深圳执教研究生英语,CATTI/高级口笔译证书,留学托福/雅思英语,及中小学生英语。
‘In what good order you keep these rooms, Mrs. Fairfax!’
  ‘Well, Miss Eyre, though Mr. Rochester’s visits here are rare, they are always sudden and unexpected, and he dislikes not finding everything ready to receive him.’
  ‘Is Mr. Rochester hard to please?’
  ‘Not particularly, but he has a gentleman’s tastes and habits.’
  ‘But has he no peculiarities?’
  ‘He is rather peculiar. He has travelled a great deal, and seen a great deal of the world. I suppose he is clever, but I have never had much conversation with him. It is not easy to describe, but you cannot be sure, when he speaks to you, whether he is joking or in earnest.’


