第 48 课


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(D)144.-- The shop is ________ on Saturday and Sunday.
  -- I see. I'll go here on Monday then.
A. open.  close  C. opened  D. closed
Close adj. 接近/亲近的  get close to 靠近  close friends 亲密的朋友
Opened adj. 打开的  closed adj. 关上的

(C)145. It is _______to work out this problem. You needn't go to the teacher.
A. enough easy B. easily enough C. easy, enough D. very easily
It is +adj+to do sth  做某事如何
Enough adj. 足够的/充分的  名前形后
Work out 算出/解决  

(C)146.-- Our holiday was _______. -- Yes, I’ve never had __________.
  A. such great, the better one B. greatly, a good one.
C. so great, a better one D. very good, the best one
Such一般接名词,标志为a , such a beautiful girl
A +比较级 表示两者中比较突出者


