第 32 课


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(B) 96. Relax_! ______ you finish this English exam,you’11 be free and feel on top of the world.You can make it if you put your heart into it!
A.As well as    B.As soon as    C.As good as
Relax vt. 放松
Relax oneself = have a rest
As soon as 引导条件/时间状语从句,常用于主将从现
On the top of the world 世界之巅 意为高兴至极
(B) 97. Humor is very important to human beings.We can never have too much of it.Without humor,life would be__________.
A.disappointed    B.boring    C.Bored
Humor n. 幽默 houmous adj. 幽默的
Human 人类 human beings 人类可数
否定+too much不会太多
(B) 98. Taking buses in Beijing is ______ than taking a taxi.
A. more cheap   B. much cheaper  C. a little cheap    D. less cheaper


