第 15 课


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(D) 43. Which of the two T-shirts will you take?
---I’ll take ______, one of my brother, the other for myself.
A. either      B. neither        C. all        D. both
One,the other  一个另一个
(C) 44. Are the keys over there ______ ?
---No, Go and ask Anna. They may belong to her.
A. you   B. your   C. yours     D. yourself
Belong to 属于

(B) 45. The doctor advised Elsa strongly that she should take a good rest, but ______ didn’t help.
A. she   B. it   C. which    D. he
Advise vt. 建议 advice n. 建议 不可数
Take a rest = have a rest
Sth help 有帮助/起作用

(D) 46. What a nice MP5! Whose is it?
—It’s __       . My father bought it for me.
A. me           B. him        C. his         D. mine
Buy sth for somebody
Buy somebody sth 


