

  • 课程介绍
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主讲人:Lily Wong
Lily Wong 环游世界的英语主播

1. What are you most looking forward to? 你最期盼什么?
2. Three goals for this month 写下这个月的三个目标
3. Describe your day in ten words 用10个字描述你的一天
4. Something that you're looking forward to 写下你期待的某件事
5. A time you don't want to forget 写下一个你不想要忘记的一段时光
6. A trip you want to take this year 写下你今年想要完成的一趟旅行
7. Your top three priorities  你的三件优先要务
8. A list of the places you have visited 列出你想要探访的所有地方
9. Do your actions match your words? 你是说到做到的人吗?
10. One thing you learned about yourself last year 去年你学到自己的一件事
11. A change you have overcome  一个你克服的改变
12. A need you can meet 一个你能满足的需要
13. A place you have been recently 一个最近去过的地方
14. Someone who made you proud 一个让你骄傲的人
15. A good idea  一个好主意
16. What are your personal gifts? 你个人的天赋是?
17. A quote that inspires you 一句启发你的格言
18. A mistake that help you to grow 一个帮助你成长的错误
19. When you feel most rested 最舒服的时刻
20. Words you want to share with others 你想要分享给别人的话
21. Music that makes you feel adventurous 让你感到有冒险精神的音乐
22. Three words that describe your style  三个描述你个人风格的字
23. The last fic


